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July 27, 2014
Feature Preview - Email Alerts
The next release will include a feature we've called "email alerts". The email alert system will automatically send emails to nominated email addresses based on rules that you create which we're calling "email alert rules". You can see an image of the email alert rule screen below:

You can trigger an alert for a specific employee when they punch in, punch out, or both. Then additional criteria such as BEFORE a certain time (say 9:00AM), AFTER a certain time (say after 10:00AM), or a weekly hour limit can be applied to the email alert rule. So, for example, a rule could be defined for an employee who punches in. Or it could be refined to only send an email when a given employee punches in BEFORE 9:00AM. Or perhaps when a given employee punches out BEFORE 5:00PM. The weekly limit criteria allows you to receive an email alert when an employee's weekly hours exceeds a given limit. For example, you could receive an email alert when a selected employee punches out AND their weekly hours exceeds 40 hours.
We're going to allow an unlimited number of email alert rules for each employee but rules that would be triggered from the same criteria will not be allowed. The email alerts themselves will be sent shortly after the rule is triggered to the nominated email addresses of your choice.
Posted by markn at July 27, 2014 7:34 AM