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September 12, 2010
Online Time Clock MTS on an iPhone or iPod Touch
A dedicated client for Online Time Clock MTS designed to run on Apple's iPhone, iPod Touch, and the iPad is on the drawing board. However, given that Online Time Clock MTS was designed to be as standards compliant as possible and run in all popular browsers you can actually make use of the system with the Safari web browser that is included with each of these devices. Last night we logged into an Online Time Clock MTS account using an iPod Touch 8GB Gen 3 device, and we're happy to say it worked perfectly. Take a look below for some images of Online Time Clock MTS running on this device.

My only comments on using Online Time Clock MTS on a device with a small screen, is that the system was designed to run on 1024 pixel wide monitors. While the iPod Touch or iPhone both do a sterling job of scaling on some Online Time Clock MTS screens the user interface elements are just too small to use. However, this is very easily overcome by double tapping the screen of the device to zoom in and the Online Time Clock MTS user interface becomes as simple to use and understand as it was always intended to be.
Posted by markn at September 12, 2010 11:11 AM