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April 24, 2010
Online Time Clock MTS Preview - The Dashboard

The Administrator Dashboard
You can see above a screenshot of the Online Time Clock MTS Dashboard. This screen is intended to be the central hub of information and navigation for Online Time Clock MTS users. Each available navigation option is shown as a clickable icon and is also available in a user friendly drop-down menu menu system for those more used to using the desktop version of Time Clock MTS.
Here's some important things to note about the dashboard of Online Time Clock MTS:
- The navigation options are tailored to the security level of the user that is logged in. So, for example, the account administrator login will be presented with all navigation options, while a reporting login will only presented with reporting options, and a standard time clock user will only be presented with the actual time clock to record their time and attendance information.
- The system is designed to be viewable and usable on computers with a screen width of just 1024 pixels which means it should be able to be used on older or very in-expensive computers (such as a netbook for example).
Posted by markn at April 24, 2010 8:34 AM