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Employment Type Screens

You're going to want to use Employment Types in Online Time Clock MTS if your employees accrue or are paid Vacation or Sick Time. An employment type will be needed for each combination of accrual type. You'll still need to assign employees to an employment type even if your employees don't actually accrue sick or vacation time but you do pay them for time taken off. Accruals are very flexible, you can have delayed start accruals, accruals per hours worked, weeks worked, or even months worked. Accrued time can be limited or carried forward from year to year.

This screen is used to configure the sick time accrual scheme for the selected employment type.

This screen is used to add a new employment type or edit an existing one.

This screen is used to configure the vacation accrual scheme for the selected employment type.

This screen is used to manage the employment types that you can assign employees to. Employment types are used to manage vacation and sick time accrual schemes.