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Location Information

The Location Information Screenshot
Location Information - Click to Enlarge

The add / edit location screen allows you to add a new location or edit an existing one and set the timezone of a location.

NameThe name of the location, This could be a geographic name or perhaps a name of an office. Used for reporting and login purposes.
TimezoneThe timezone of the location. This is used by Online Time Clock MTS to determine the local time of logins from this location.
NotesNotes about this location for reference purposes.
Override Global SettingsCheck this box to override various global report, payroll and overtime settings for this location.
Length of Work WeekSet the length of your standard employee work week here.
First Day of WeekSet the first day of your employee work week here.
First Day of Fiscal YearSet the first day of your fiscal or financial year here.
Time FormatChoose whether you want your account to display times in 12 hour (AM/PM) format or in 24 hour (military) format with this setting.
Time RoundingChoose a report time rounding setting here. You can choose no rounding, 6 minute rounding, 15 minute rounding, or 30 minute rounding. Note that times are rounded only when the report is run, they are still stored accurate to the nearest second.
Overtime Calculation MethodChoose how you want to calculate overtime with this dropdown box. You can calculate overtime daily, weekly, or a combination of both.
Pay Daily Overtime (OT Rate 1)Check this box and set an hourly limit to pay daily overtime. This overtime is paid at OT Rate 1 which is set on the Employee Payroll Information screen.
Pay Daily Overtime (OT Rate 2)Check this box and set an hourly limit to pay a second tier of daily overtime. This overtime is paid at OT Rate 2 which is set on the Employee Payroll Information screen.
Pay Weekly Overtime (OT Rate 1)Check this box and set an hourly limit to pay weekly overtime. This overtime is paid at OT Rate 1 which is set on the Employee Payroll Information screen.
Holidays Affect Overtime
Check this box to have credited holidays hours affect overtime limits.
Automatic Break DeductionCheck this box if you want Online Time Clock MTS to automatically deduct time from time punches that exceed a given limit. Note that employees can be be excluded from automatic breaks by checking the No Automatic Breaks box on that employee's Edit Employee screen.
Automatic Breaks AfterChoose a time limit after which automatic breaks are applied. An automatic break will be deducted from any punch in/out pair that exceeds this time limit.
Automatic Break LengthThe amount of time (in minutes) that should be deducted for automatic breaks subject to the criteria set above.

This page last modified : 11:34:37 22 Jun 2015