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Managing Email Alert Rules

The Manage Email Alert Rules Screen
The Manage Email Alerts Rules Screen - Click to Enlarge

Email alerts are emails sent out by Online Time Clock MTS based on certain rules being triggered. These rules are known as Email Alert Rules and are managed on the Manage Email Alert Rules Screen. Email alert rules are specific to one employee and each employee can have any number of rules associated with them. However, multiple rules cannot be defined that are triggered by the same event (see the Duplicate Email Alerts topic below). The rules that trigger the sending of email alerts are a great way of keeping your managers and supervisors up to date with what's going on with your employees.

What Sort of Email Alert Rules Can Be Defined?

Once you've decided which employee you want to define an alert rule for the next decision to make is to decide whether the rule will be triggered by the employee punching in, punching out or both. If you do not refine the rule further at this point then an email alert will be sent to your chosen email recipients based on the punch event criteria that you've selected. However, you can choose to refine the rule further using three different criteria. BEFORE a certain time, AFTER a certain time, and when the employee's weekly hours exceeds a given limit. Here's some examples of the sorts of rules you could create:

  • Send email alert when Employee PUNCHES IN
  • Send email alert when Employee PUNCHES IN OR OUT
  • Send email alert when Employee PUNCHES IN BEFORE 9:00AM
  • Send email alert when Employee PUNCHES OUT AFTER 5:00PM
  • Send email alert when Employee PUNCHES OUT and WEEKLY HOURS EXCEED 40 hours.

Duplicate Email Alert Rules and Alert Cascading

Note that you cannot create email alert rules that would result in duplicate alerts. So, for example the system will not allow you to setup the follow two rules:

  • Send email alert when EMPLOYEE A PUNCHES IN
  • Send email alert when EMPLOYEE A PUNCHES IN OR OUT

Note also that the system will not cascade email alerts that use the WEEKLY HOURS EXCEED criteria. So while you can have an alert for an employee punching out when they exceed 10, 20, and 30 hours you will not get an email for each when they punch out and their weekly hours are 35. You'll only get an email alert for the 30 hour criteria. Note also, that you'll get an alert every time they punch out and the weekly hour limit is exceeded. You will not just get one the first time they exceed the limit.

Adding Email Alert Rules

When logged into Online Time Clock MTS as the account administrator or a location administrator you can add email alert rules using the Manage Data -> Manage Email Alert Rules screen. Once on that screen you can just click the Add Email Alert Rule link. Note that a location administrator can only add rules for employees from their location, while the account administrator can add global alert rules that apply to any employee from any location.

Deleting Email Alert Rules

When logged into Online Time Clock MTS as the account administrator or a location administrator you can edit email alert rules using the Manage Data -> Manage Email Alerts screen. Once on that screen you can just click the Edit link for the alert rule you wish to edit.

Deleting Email Alert Rules

When logged into Online Time Clock MTS as the account administrator or a location administrator you can delete alert rules using the Manage Data -> Manage Email Alert Rules screen. Once on that screen you can just click the Delete link for the alert rules you wish to delete.

The Manage Email Alert Rules Screen

The Manage Email Alert Rules screen is used to add, edit, or delete email alert rules. The account administrator can access the manage email alert rules screen for all rules across all locations, while a location administrator can only view and edit rules that apply to employees from their own location. The Manage Email Alert Rules screen can be found via Manage Data->Manage Email Alert Rules drop down menu.

This page last modified : 09:00:43 18 Aug 2014