Generate Online Time Clock Reports....Instantly

O of the true strengths of a well designed system like Online Time Clock MTS is the ability to generate reports when you need them. There's no lengthy delays waiting for data entry, no batch processes to be run nightly, nor any need to aggregate data from all of your different operating locations. The immediacy of reports opens up a whole range of possibilities that traditional time clock systems cannot hope to achieve. These include completely up to date attendance reports at the click of a button, the ability to see time spent on jobs where and when you want, and sharing of data across different geographic locations. The Online Time Clock MTS reporting system will allow you to:

  • Run reports from your live data in seconds.
  • Filter reports by employee, department, location, and date.
  • Allow you to see who is at work across every operating location in an instant.
  • Export data to your payroll system or spreadsheet for further processing.
  • Report on and track time that your employees are working on.
  • See what employees are working on what job RIGHT NOW.
  • Cut useless administrative overheads as your staff double enter and compile attendance data for reporting purposes.

Online Time Clock MTS can be used free of charge for 30 days. Signing up for a trial account takes just a few seconds!